Check this new video of the dolphins and Sharks

Check this video of the Werewolves!

or this Yogscast episode, featuring Mo'Creatures:

Download the Mod:


If you want to buy me a coffee you can use the donate button, thanks!

-Mo'Creatures Mod
(apologies for the link, it will hopefully generate some revenue. To continue with the download just click on the right upper corner: 'Skip Ad')

How to Install Mo'Creatures Mod: 
Download GUI Api and ModLoader plus AudioMod

You need to install the four files either manually or by using TFC's ModManager: run the TFC's Mod Manager and drag and drop the .zip files into the TFC ModManager, click on the 'finish modding button' and you're done

How to install the mod manually:
1. Make a backup of your minecraft.jar file
2. Open your minecraft.jar file using winrar or similar
3. copy all the files and folders from "\minecraft\" to the root of the minecraft.jar file
4. Delete the META-INF folder of minecraft.jar
5. Close and save your minecraft.jar
6. locate the .minecraft\resources\ (where you have installed minecraft)
7. look inside the "\resources\", copy all its contents to the folder .minecraft\resources\ (make sure you are not adding this to the minecraft.jar file). 
8. Play 

Watch this video from AnderZEL on how to install the mod (updated for 2.9.3)

This other video also shows how to install the mod:

How to install this mod on a Mac (thanks to Jibber)

and this video shows how to fix blackscreen issues for some Macs (thanks to Jibber) 

Change Log...
Version 2.9.4
-rewrote horse/dolphin riding code
-fixed bug with fish despawning
-fixed bug with fisheggs not spawning fish
-sharkteeth now have a function (for you to find)
-you can pick up tamed birds and you can glide with them
-bunnies now have different furs 

version 2.9
-Updated to Minecraft 1.5_01
-Adds 10 different small fish, including aggressive piranhas
-Changed spawn control, now the mod uses a 'Frequency' where 0 = spawn deactivated, 1 = very rare spawn and 10 = very common spawn.  You can modify the frequency of each individual mob through the in-game menu
-HorseSaddles can be crafted from a dungeon saddle plus iron (bug fixed)
-fixed bug with sharks dropping stone instead of shark teeth
-Changed ogres' textures. I have included the old ones in case someone still wants to use them.
-When breeding horses, two horses of the same kind will have matching offspring (i.e. two pegasi will breed another pegasus)
-this mod no longer requires spawnlist

Version 2.8.1
-fixed bugs: Wraiths big heads, sharks dropping stone, birds spawning bug, Shark eggs becoming leather, menu text cropped and albino dolphin spawning.

Version 2.8
-Adds dolphins
-fixed bug with hunters attacking horses even after selecting otherwise in the menu settings
-fixed bug with hostile mobs spawning one difficulty level below selected
-fixed deathhorse and deathWerewolf bugs
-improved spawning code, it now uses way less resources (thanks to _303 and Mr_okushama)
-fixed typo in the cave ogre menu
-new recipe: now you can craft a horse saddle from a dungeon saddle + one iron ingot

Regarding the Dolphins:
There are six different kind of dolphins (from common to rare): blue, green, purple, dark, pink and albino. The last two kinds are seen only rarely in the wild. 
Taming dolphins:
You can tame dolphins by feeding them raw fish. the rarer the dolphin, the more raw fish it requires to be tamed. A blue dolphin requires 2 raw fish and an albino dolphin requires 12 raw fish. You can also tame dolphins by riding/breaking them. Rarer dolphins are noticeable faster than common ones. 
Breeding dolphins:
Tamed adult dolphins can breed by feeding them cooked fish and keeping them apart from other creatures in a similar fashion than the horse breeding. Young dolphin can not breed or be tamed/ridden. 
Two dolphins of the same color will always have offspring of such color. Dolphins have a 'genetic value' from 1-6. (blue = 1 and albino = 6)  if you mix and match dolphins you have 1/3 chance of obtaining a purple or dark dolphin if the genetic value addition of the parents is 3 or 4, and you have a 1/10 chance of obtaining a pink or albino dolphin if the genetic value addition equals 5 or 6. i.e. A pink dolphin(5) can be obtained in 1/10 of cases by combining a blue(1) plus a dark(4) dolphin or a green (2) plus a purple (3) dolphin.

Version 2.7
-Improved hunter's item destruction code, now the hunters only destroy newly spawned items not dropped by humans
-simplified despawning code, inspired by Kodaichizero
-I have decided to modify the squids so you can now limit their spawn numbers
-Now this mod uses the GUI Api, you can change the settings by using the in-game menu: /Options../Mods Settings...
-Activating/deactivating mobs and changing the spawn limits require you to restart minecraft for those changes to take place

-With the new customizable settings, you can:
*activate/deactivate individual mobs 
*select the difficulty where wraiths/werewolves and ogres spawn
*limit the number of a specific mob spawning in the world (i.e. only spawn 4 lions)
*change the spawn rate of Pegasus from 1% (default) up to 10%
*select easy breeding options for the horses, if this option is turned on the horses won't become sterile and the rarer breeds will happen every single time with the right combinations
*change the destructive power of the ogres
*choose if the horses are attacked by hunters or not
*choose if the prey animals drop items or not

Version 2.6.2
-Fixed bug with tamed sharks not moving properly
-Added code optimization to decrease lag thanks to Corosus and _303
-Increased health of sharks
-Hunters now destroy the items dropped by its prey (to reduce free items and lag). They won't destroy the players' items
-reduced attacking behavior of hunters
-Sharks won't attack sharkEggs
-reduced spawn cap from 50 to 40 (original is 15)

Version 2.6.1
-sharks now also attack squids
-changed despawning code for tamed sharks
-added missing 'Sharks' to the file in the TFC version
-tamed sharks won't attack you (inspired by Despicable Me)
-increased spawn of aquatic creatures to 35 from 30
-moved location of custom icons from /mocreatures to /mob to make installation easier

version 2.6
-Added Sharks
-increased spawning limit of creatures to 50 (from 16) and seacreatures to 30 (from 5)
-fixed bug with haystacks giving 9 hay instead of 6
-the horse saddle item ID has been changed to increase compatibility with minecolony. Warning! before updating to this version of the mod, delete any Horse Saddles from your inventories

Version 2.5.4
-changed Haystack to make it compatible with Roundaround hay block
-Added a second download, compatible with TFCs Mod Manager

Version 2.5.3
-Baby horses look smaller. They slowly grow over time. You can't tame or saddle a baby horse. They won't despawn if they're bred.
-There is a 1/5 chance of finding baby horses in the wild (they can despawn)
-Changed Horse Saddle icon to a brighter color and slightly different icon, also added a 'Horse Saddle' tooltip
-Added a new craftable item: Haystack. made by combining 9 pieces of Hay. It could be given to horses to make them stay in a single spot. To resume the horse normal wandering behavior, ride it for a short while.
The Haystack idea was taken from GKANG and farmcraft
-Added Sugar Lumps, an stackable food crafted from 4 pieces of sugar. It heals you and also helps you tame your horse. It's effectivity is between Hay and Bread to help you tame your horse.
-Tamed birds will eat seeds again
-And bugfixes:
-Fixed bug with Lions and Bears not attacking livestock
-Fixed bug with Flame Wraiths drops
-Fixed bug with Ogre block destruction
-Fixed bug with Wraiths surviving daylight

Version 2.5.2
-Bunnies are ready! (please test and report if you find any bugs)
-Wraiths are also ready
-fixed bug with ogres not destroying blocks
-fixed bug with werewolves doing damage at a distance
-fixed bug with nightmares' special ability
-fixed game crashing bug when killing pack horses 
-reduced spawn rate of foxes, lions, bears
-increased spawn rate of horses (from groups of 4 to 6)

Version 2.5.1
-Fixed wing flipping bug in birds and pegasi
-Fixed bug that prevented horse riding
-Fixed bug with werewolfes attacking themselves
-removed 'annoying' werewolfes/human sounds
-updated to latest version of foxes (1.5)

Version 2.5
-Werewolves now spawn only on Normal or higher difficulty. spawn rate also decreased. (You now can put the game on easy and get the gold sword before fighting them)
-Fire ogres are dropping fire again (so you can get that chain armor if you dare)
-Decreased loudness of foxes
-Foxes now drop leather so if you want to instantly tame a horse, you're out of luck :)
-Fixed bug with foxes spawning rate
-Wraiths and Bunnies are not included in the Mod yet (I'm still working on updating them to the latest version)

Version 2.4
-Added property file (deprecated)

Version 2.3.1
-Added Werewolves missing files (.png and .ogg) to the package

ChangeLog Version 2.3
-Added Foxes!
-Werewolves added to the full version of the mod
-Once tamed, birds won't eat seeds (they still will be attracted to seeds)
-Some performance tweaking on the birds (decreases CPU load)
-other minor tweaks to the birds' AI
-Fixed bug with wraiths surviving daylight
-Fixed bug with wraiths not causing damage
-added tooltip to the Horse Saddle
-fixed typo in one of the horse sound files (thanks to CrimsonCrow for the heads up)
-Fire Ogres now drops bloodstone
-Cave Ogres no longer spawn on dark areas of the surface

ChangeLog Version 2.2
-Added Werewolves

ChangeLog version 2.1.2
-Fixed bug game crashing when mounting horses (introduced in 2.1.1)
-Added birds to wildlife

ChangeLog version 2.1.1
-fixed sppining bug when mounting horses
-horses will no longer eat eggs
-You can now offer bowlsoup to the horses in addition to Pumpkins for reproduction
-you can now use the torch to open the horses inventory
-fixed the 'undead horse glitch'
-? fixed the horse chunk eating glitch
-Changed the bird's wings (thanks to KodaichiZero)
-Artificially Increased spawn rate of birds
-Made birds tamable: they won't despawn after eating seeds, and they won't be scared by the player after tamed

ChangeLog version 2.1
-Added Birds

Changes in Version 2.0.1
-Added Bunnies

Changes in version 2.0
-updated for Minecraft Beta 1.1_02
-removed sound bug when pegasus and black pegasus land
-removed damage done to horse by the rider
-you can also open the horse inventory if you're holding a torch.
-only one horse will become sterile after breeding (before, both would become sterile)
-sterile horses won't accept pumpkins or eggs.

Changes in version 1.6.6
-Added Bunny (courtesy of KodaichiZero)
-Added a breeding system for Horses and 3 new horses: Pack Horse, Nightmare and Black Pegasus
-Changed the handling/riding code for mounts (the horse will spin you just after you mount it, then it will settle)
-Horses get healed when fed
-Giving an apple to a horse will tame it automatically
-Added eating sounds to the horses so you know it is eating the food
-Added inventory to two horses: Pack Horse and Black Pegasus

Changes in version 1.6.5
-Increased attack range of lioness
-Lioness is more aggressive than the Lion
-Fire Ogres and Flame Wraiths will only spawn in Hard difficulty. Both will also spawn in Hell
-Decreased pyromany of Fire Ogres. They still burn whole forests, tho.
-Added Boars: attack only prey smaller than them (including bunnies!). Boars will also attack you if you get really close.

-Added Horses including Unicorns and Pegasus
-For every horse you find, there is a 3% chance of finding a Unicorn and only a 1% chance of finding a Pegasus... so good luck!
-Added craftable Horse Saddles.  You will require a horse saddle to ride your horse. The normal saddles that you find randomly in dungeons only work for pigs. 

-Quick guide on how to tame horses: The faster/rarer the horse, the harder to tame. This is what they require to be as docile as possible before you mount them. Even after making them happy, you will have to break/ride them until they accept you.  To make them docile you will need to give:
- Light horses (1 bread or 4 wheat)
- Brown Horses (2 bread or 8 wheat)
- Black horses (3 bread or 12 wheat)
- Unicorns (4 bread or 16 wheat)
- Pegasus (5 bread or 20 wheat)

-Increased Health of Horses
-Made spawns for unicorns and pegasus rarer
-Decreased damage of Unicorns after jumping

Changes in version 1.6.3
-split mod to mix and match into 1. Wildlife (lions, bears, wolves and duck), 2. Ogres and 3. Wraiths.
-added female lions
-Male lions will not attack female lions
-female lions are less aggressive towards player
-added ducks (using dorino1 quack sounds plus painterly pack's duck texture)

Changes in version 1.6.2  (Thanks to 303 for his help!)
-Using 303's spawnlist, the mod no longer modifies the gg.class
-Green ogres don't burn on sunlight, they become docile unless attacked.
-Fire Ogres now spawn on Normal difficulty
-Tweaked blast radius for ogres, depending on difficulty level, in hard the blast radius is bigger
-Changed drops for Fire Ogres and Cyclops to the intended drops
-Minor tweaks to the hunters' behavior
-Ogres no longer destroy ores or mobspawners
-Slightly increased pyromany of Fire Ogres
-Minor nerf to Wraiths

Changes to version 1.6.1
-Ogre's block destruction decreased

Changes to version 1.6
-Lions, Bears and Wolves wont hunt in peaceful difficulty
-decreased hunting range from 16 to 8
-decreased 'hunger' of hunters to 1/10
-added Ogres (normal, fire and cave): spawn on Normal or harder difficulty, destroy blocks, can smell players 16blocks apart, will destroy blocks in their path to their target
-Ogres won't destroy obsidian

Changes to version 1.5
-Major changes to A.I:
-Lions will now attack other animals, including other lions and bears
-Bears won't attack lions, but they will attack any other animals
-Wolves will attack pigs, chickens and sheep, in addition to players during night
-reduced Bear spawn rate to 1/3

Changes to version 1.4: 
-Reduced the attack range of the lion in Hard difficulty from 16 to 6, and in Normal difficulty from 6 to 4
-Decreased Lion and Bear spawn rates
-Reduced Wraith spawn rate

Currently the Mod adds the following creatures:
-Lil' Fish (including piranhas)
They have 10 different colors/patterns.

(Image Pending)

There are six different kind of dolphins (from common to rare): blue, green, purple, dark, pink and albino. The last two kinds are seen only rarely in the wild. 

Taming dolphins:
You can tame dolphins by feeding them raw fish. the rarer the dolphin, the more raw fish it requires to be tamed. A blue dolphin requires 2 raw fish and an albino dolphin requires 12 raw fish. You can also tame dolphins by riding/breaking them. Rarer dolphins are noticeable faster than common ones. 

Breeding dolphins:
Tamed adult dolphins can breed by feeding them cooked fish and keeping them apart from other creatures in a similar fashion than the horse breeding. Young dolphin can not breed or be tamed/ridden. 
Two dolphins of the same color will always have offspring of such color. Dolphins have a 'genetic value' from 1-6. (blue = 1 and albino = 6) if you mix and match dolphins you have 1/3 chance of obtaining a purple or dark dolphin if the genetic value addition of the parents is 3 or 4, and you have a 1/10 chance of obtaining a pink or albino dolphin if the genetic value addition equals 5 or 6. i.e. A pink dolphin(5) can be obtained in 1/10 of cases by combining a blue(1) plus a dark(4) dolphin or a green (2) plus a purple (3) dolphin.


The sharks will attack anything that falls in the water, except squids or other sharks. Sharks have different sizes, if you kill a big shark in easy difficulty or higher, you have a 10% chance of getting a shark egg. Right clicking on the shark eggs throws them. If the egg falls in water it will incubate and a tamed shark will hatch. Tamed sharks won't despawn and once they're big enough, will attack any other creature except sharks or the player.
The shark model was inspired by charle88's thread. He also shared his textures.


The first metamorphic and multi-stance mob for Minecraft! Don't be fooled by his appearance and sweet talk, they are ominous! He drops wood sticks or wood tools. At night it will transform into what you can see below.

You can see it in daylight, but it will transform back into human form in no time. The only way to kill this beast is by using gold items (Think of it as the Minecraft silver). You have been warned, don't face one if you don't have a gold sword. It drops gold apples, stone or steel tools.


Spawns in the grass, during daytime. Depending on the game's difficulty it won't attack (peaceful difficulty), It will attack you if you get 4 blocks from it (easy difficulty), or will attack you at 6 blocks on normal difficulty. 
It will hunt everything except Mobs


Spawns in the grass during daytime. It will attack you only if provoked in easy difficulty or higher. It will also attack you at night. It hunts everything but lions and other bears


Spawns during the night time, only outdoors. It will attack you at night, and won't attack unless provoked during the day. Hunts small prey, and of course sheep!

-Polar Bear

Spawns only on snow. A more aggressive version than the regular Bear, the Polar Bear will attack you on sight in easy difficulty or higher. Drops fish!


New flying mob. Spawns only on Normal difficulty or higher. Drops gunpowder

-Flame Wraith

spawns only in Hard difficulty. Will set you on fire for a short time. Drops redstone. You can see them from a distance because of flashing flames.


The first mob to destroy blocks! It destroys everything but obsidian. It drops obsidian ore

-Fire Ogre

Rarer than the regular ogre, only spawns on hard difficulty. This mob destroys blocks and ignites the floor on impact. It is fire resistant. It drops 'fire' so you can craft your chainmail.

-Cave Ogre

This one only spawns underground. It has the biggest area of damage. It drops diamonds.


Nothing original, I used material already available, credits go to dorino1 quack sounds plus painterly pack's duck texture.


They attack smaller prey and if you get close to them, they can also attack you. Be warned


Courtesy of KodaichiZero 
Something cool happens if you ride a horse with a bunny hat!


Birds add atmosphere to the game. There are six different kinds, and they have different sounds: Dove, Crow, BlueGrossBeak, Cardinal, Canary and Parrot. You can tame them by feeding them seeds. Once tamed, they won't be afraid of you and won't despawn


They will attack only smaller creatures. Most of the work was done by Roundaround (he did the AI, sounds and texture). I worked on the 3D model


Horses are the first controllable mount in Minecraft. You will need to tame them before you can ride them. Once tamed, they won't despawn. There are eight different kind of Horses available. They are listed here from most common to the rarest.

-Brown Horse

Slightly faster than the regular horse. 

-Black Horse

Faster than the others, also harder to tame.


This is a rare find! You have only 4% chance of finding a mythic Unicorn. The Unicorns are the fastest of the mounts.


The very rare Pegasus, is the first flying mount in Minecraft! Good luck finding/taming one! You only have a 1% chance of finding a Pegasus (when you find any given horse)

-Pack Horse

This horse can carry bags (a portable inventory). You can only get one by breeding other horses


This horse is fire resistant, and will set the ground on fire if you feed it redstone. You can only get one by breeding other horses

-Black Pegasus

The best horse you can get, it is fire resistant, has an inventory and is also a flying mount. You can only get one by breeding other horses

This is how you craft the Horse Saddle:

-Quick guide on how to tame horses: 
The faster/rarer the horse, the harder to tame. This is what they require to be as docile as possible before you mount them. Even after making them happy, you will have to break/ride them until they accept you. To make them docile you will need to give:
- Light horses (1 bread or 4 wheat)
- Brown Horses (2 bread or 8 wheat)
- Black horses (3 bread or 12 wheat)
- Unicorns (4 bread or 16 wheat)
- Pegasus (5 bread or 20 wheat)
Or you can give them an apple, that will make them as docile as possible instantly. Feeding the horses apples, bread or wheat will restore their health as well.

Quick guide on how to breed horses:
Rules for breeding:
-The horses to breed should be kept close (no more than 4 blocks away)
-There should be no other horses around (8 blocks)
-You have to feed them both to start the process (suitable foods are mushroom soup or pumpkins)
-Both horses should be fertile (i.e. they accept pumpkins/soup)
-you can not be too close (4 blocks) or they won't breed
-it takes time (about 1/2 Minecraft day)
-the results of the breed depends on the genetic 'value' of the horses:
light horses = 1
brown horses = 2
dark horses = 3
unicorns = 4
pegasus = 5
packhorse = 6
nightmare = 7
black pegasus = 8

Depending on the sum of both parents' genetic value you have a CHANCE of getting a rare breed:
-sum equal 7 = chance of getting a packhorse
-sum equals 9 = chance of getting a nightmare
-sum equals 10 = chance of getting a pegasus
-sum equals 12 = chance of getting a black pegasus
-two packhorses won't give birth to a black pegasus
-if the sum is none of the above, you will get a random horse with genetic value 1-5

Quick Guide on How to use the Horses' Inventory:
-This works only for PackHorses and BlackPegasus
-The horse needs to be tamed, and you need to give it a chest (only once)
-To activate the inventory, you need to have a stone shovel in your hand (think of it as a key) and then right click on the horse

How to activate the Nightmare's special ability:
-it has to be tamed, you need to give it a redstone.
-after that, ride it... and be careful

You can also watch this video that shows what's written above: (courtesy of Rez_)

This is a new video that shows how to breed dolphins: (courtesy of Foxy1990)

Frequent Asked Questions: I apologize in advance, but any post in the forum or any private message with a question already answered here will be ignored. I just don't have the time to answer the same questions over and over again.

Q.: I get a black screen when installing the mod
A.: Did you forget to delete the META-INF folder as in step 4?

Q.: Does this work for SMP?
A.: Sorry, it only works for single player

Q.: when is it going to work for SMP???
A.: Not in the near future....

Q.: The lions and bears are bipeds!!
A.: You either did not install the Mod Loader or you installed another mod that conflicted with mine (i.e. a non Mod Loader mod)

Q.: How to install Audiomod?
A.: put all the contents of the Audiomod In the root folder of minecraft.jar.  Make sure it is overwriting the files (some mac users will have trouble with files not being overwritten).

Q.: How to install ModLoader?
A.: put all the contents of ModLoader (files and folders) in the root folder of minecraft.jar. same as above

Q.: My game crashes when a get near a lion/bear/wolf/wraith
A.: please ensure that you installed the (.ogg) sound files correctly 

Q.: I can get the sounds to work! / My game crashes when I add the sounds
A.: make sure you have the latest version of Audiomod and that the sound files are in the right place

Q.: I installed the mod but don't see any of the new creatures.
A.: Wait one Minecraft day, and walk around, you should find them

Q.: I waited and walked around and still see no creatures. I can hear voices and there are invisible creatures in my game
A.: you did not install the .png files in the right place, follow the instructions again

Q.: Can you do xxxx mob for me?
A.: You're welcome to post your ideas/suggestions, I have a list of mobs to do...

Q.: Does this work for Macs?
A.: It does, the installation procedure is different. Look at this video tutorial

Q.: What program do you use to make the mobs?
A.: I code the mod directly into java. I don't use any program for 3d modelling

Q.: Can you teach me how to do custom mobs?
A.: please wait for the tutorial

My To-Do list for this mod:
-write a tutorial (pending)
-? add squirrels

Some videos:

Video showing the birds eating seeds

First video of the Birds

Video of the Pegasus. They're a very rare spawn

A video of the Horses....

Watch this video of the Ogres! (the ogres in game won't destroy as many blocks, this video exaggerates the effect!)

Early models for the wolf and the lion

A video of the Wraith in action: keep in mind that it appears here during daytime but it's only for testing purposes. The final version appears at night and dies with sunlight

Flame Wraith in action

Watch the video of a Lion in a killing rampage