Sonntag, 2025-02-02, 6:03 AM
Willkommen Gast


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NOTE:Extended 2x2 cannot be installed by modloader using the zip filedirectly. All the files in Extended 2x2 must be manually dragged anddropped into the minecraft.jar file the same way that modloader isinstalled. Please use a fresh Minecraft.jar file as compatibilitywith other mods has not been tested nor considered.

(If you are seeing this, the FAQ is notfinished, and the information about the various items may not be upto date)

- New Features
- CurrentDownloads
- Credits, Support Banners, and Past Polls
-Installation and Review Videos

- General Feature Changes
-Hand Tools

    - Daggers(DONE)
    - Slings(UNPOLISHED)

      - Stone Bullets

    - Trowels(DONE)
    - Hand Picks(DONE)
    - Hatchets(DONE)
    - Boomerangs(UNPOLISHED)

-Directional Markers(UPCOMING)
- Explosives

    - Powder Bombs(DONE)
    - Grenade(UNPOLISHED)


    - Small Shields
    - Full Shields

      - Wood
      - Gold
      - Iron
      - Diamond


    - Torch Arrows(DONE)
    - Glowstone Arrows
    - Flint(DONE)

-Saplings for Wood(DONE)

    - Saplings to Sticks
    - Sticks to Wood


    - Sapling to Leaf Graft(DONE)
    - Saplings to Topiary Blocks(UNFINISHED)

-Workbench Supplements

    - Handcart
    - Ink Quill
    - Hypno Watch
    - Bow Drill(DONE)

      - Paper(DONE)


    - Glowstone Sand(DONE)
    - Ore Slabs(UNPOLISHED)
    - Coal Slabs(UNPOLISHED)
    - Colored Sand and Stained Glass(UNFINISHED)
    - Portable Grills(DONE)
    - Satchels(UPCOMING)

Yofreke and I have finally decided that it is time to give youpeople a taste for what you've been clamoring for and are putting outan early UNSTABLE DOWNLOADS release for you to play with.We recommend making a backup of your minecraft.jar both before andAFTER installation, so that if Notch puts out his 1.4 update, you'llstill have access to the latest features, like Shield and AmmunitionSlots, Shields, Flint Tools, Rotating Slings, Colored Blocks, Logsrequiring axes and hatchets on ALL difficulties, and even a littlething that we've lovingly dubbed "the propertiesfile" Incredible. Not 24 hours go by and Notch launches the1.4 release. I'm thinking that our time at this point will be bestleft to wait another week, not only for modloader to update, but alsoto see if Notch will be putting out any last minute patches. In themeantime, people who were fortunate enough to make a backup of 1.3.01will still be able to get a sneak preview of the things to come.Hopefully Yofreke will be able to use the time to work on getting thecolored blocks working better, but that depends on how he's feeling.Having the update hit this way may have very well short circuited thepoor bastard.

(Does NOT work on 1.4 orhigher, updates to 1.5.01 coming soon)
LATEST: UnstableRelease V0.4.03 R2 B1.3_01
This release requires Modloader 5 andaccessing the Colored Blocks will require Block IDs+ (I amnot entirely sure if Block IDs+ is still needed if the Colored Blocksare disabled) Currently there are thought to be no game crashingbugs, but other incongruities may occur.
NOTE: Not being able tomine logs by hand is NOT A BUG, it is a FEATURE.

PREVIOUS: PrimaryRelease V0.4.02 B1.3_01 r3
This release requires Modloader 4.It CAN be RUN using Modloader 5, but Portable Grills will crash thegame and other bugs may also occur.
NOTE: Not being able to minelogs by hand is NOT A BUG, it is a FEATURE.

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ByDefault, Log Blocks will no longer be mineable unless using a Hatchetor Axe. Before a hatchet or axe are built, the player must break leafblocks in order to gather saplings for making sticks, and from thesticks, make planks.

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AnAmmunition and Shield Slot are added to the Inventory. All items thatare specific to the player's equipment slots have been updated withthe ability to right click while holding the item to equip it to theappropriate slot. This currently applies to ammunition, shields,helmets(pumpkins may or may not be included), chestplates, leggings,and boots.

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NewTool Tier Added - Flint Tools and Hand Tools; Durability of Gold,Power/Damage/(speed?) of Stone. With this, the player now has nearinfinite starting options.

NOTE: For durability,all hand tools (Dagger, Hatchet, Hand Pick, Trowel, Boomerang) areroughly half as durable as their full counterparts. At the currenttime, the values for hand tools are Gold - 17, Wood - 30, Stone - 66,Iron - 126, Diamond - 781

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TheDagger has the same function as a sword, but only does as much damageas an axe, except for diamond, which does 3.5damage. It's mainadvantage lies in only needing 1 of its primary component instead of2, and in being able to be crafted without the workbench, allowingyou to craft it on the fly in case your sword breaks, or in case yousimply haven't been able to gather up enough material, but still findyourself harried by aggressive mobs.
The Dagger can also be thrownby pressing right click, but deals .5 less damage than when usedmelee. The range is roughly 1/5 that of the Bow, with a max range ofabout 10 blocks. If it hits a mob, the dagger will deal the damage,and then fall to the ground, when it hits a block, it will stick tothe block it hits like an arrow, and can be picked back up bytouching it. Throwing a Dagger counts as a use against itsdurability, and hitting a mob counts as a second use.
There's onetiny Easter Egg in the daggers, but most probably will never find it.It's related to one of the secrets about theboomerangs.

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Thesling has a slower firing rate than the bow, with a maximum firingrate equal to the maximum rate at which a single enemy can be damaged(you will lose ground if dealing with 2 or more enemies, or if youmiss at all). The sling has half the range of the bow at roughly 25blocks over a flat plane. The ammunition for the sling is StoneBullets, which are crafted directly from gravel blocks. The mainadvantage to the Sling is the greater ease at finding/makingammunition and the less difficult requirement of only needing 1string instead of 3.
Right Click must be held to throw a bulletwith the sling. It takes roughly a second after right click wasinitially pressed for the bullet to be thrown.
Future plans -Animation for the sling should hopefully be improved to make it moreclear that holding right click will eventually throw a bullet if theyhold it down.

Stone Bullets:
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StoneBullets are the ammunition used for Slings. 1 Gravel block will craftinto 1 Stone Bullet. A stone bullet does half the damage of a normalarrow and cannot be picked back up to the inventory after being firedfrom the sling, even if not striking anything.
Sling currently canonly throw Bullets.
Stone Bullets can either be placed inthe Ammunition Slot through the inventory screen, or if theStone Bullets are actively held, right clicking will automaticallyswitch the Bullets to the Ammunition Slot (and whateverammunition is in the ammunition slot will go to the player's hand) Ifthe Ammunition Slot runs empty, and the player still hasmore ammunition of the same type as what just ran out, it willautomatically be moved to the Ammunition Slot(ammunition stillin the crafting grid section will not be moved) If the playerattempts to use the Sling while Stone Bullets are not equipped tothe Ammunition Slot, then the game will automatically searchthrough the player's inventory and equip any Stone Bullets the playermay be holding.

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TheTrowel does just as much damage as the shovel when used as a weapon.Trowels can break snow to get snowballs. The only disadvantageTrowels have over their full sized counterparts is the halveddurability that all hand tools have.
A Trowel has a specialfeature over a Shovel that when right clicking on dirt or grass, itwill function as a Hoe, allowing you to till dirt and gatherseeds.(double durability is incurred for these actions)

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TheHand Pick does 2/3 the damage of a Pickaxe(rounded up to the nearest.5) when used as a weapon. :wood: & :cobblestone:(andi think :GoldBar: )=1 heart, :Iron: & :Diamond: =2heart.
A Hand Pick made from the same material as a Pickaxe willbe able to mine the same blocks as that same Pickaxe can.
A HandPick has a special feature over a Pickaxe that when right clicking ondirt or grass, it will function as a Hoe, allowing you to till dirtand gather seeds.(double durability is NOT incurred for theseactions)

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Withthe implementation of the hatchet, Log blocks only drop logs whenbroken by an Axe. Before a hatchet or axe are built, the player mustbreak leaf blocks in order to gather saplings for making sticks, andfrom the sticks, make planks.
Hatchets do as much damage as aPickaxe when used as a weapon. Aside from the standard loss ofdurability that all handtools take, Hatchets are twice as slow asregular Axes on all wooden materials except for the Workbench, whichstill takes 4.06 seconds. Handaxes also don't mine as efficiently asaxes, dropping 8 sticks instead of a log block, so it is just asefficient for the number of sticks the player can get from eachblock, but the number of obtainable planks is cut in half, and logblocks for building with or making charcoal are impossible withoutthe axe.
The Hatchet can also be set to be capable of breakingleaf blocks as fast as a sword, but without any double durabilitydrain that the sword suffers from.

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Yes,that's right, you can already make your avatar look like Link, you'vegot the sword, you've got torches, bow, explosives, and what areessentially Light Arrows, so why not just go whole hog and throw inboomerangs?
Aim with Mouse, right click to throw. When thrown, theboomerang will fly straight out and then return to the player. If theboomerang will ricochet off of solid blocks. If it hits a mob, itwill knock them back similar to a snowball, returning to the playerif the mob was hit directly, and continuing on its path if the mobwas hit after a ricochet.
If the Boomerang hits any items that aredropped on the ground it will pick them up and bring them back to theplayer. Boomerangs can also be used to shear sheep, and knock offtorches and other objects that only require 1 hit to break; torches,redstone torches, flowers, mushrooms, saplings, reeds, seeds, andcrops. Additionally, boomerangs will also activate any buttons orlevers that they hit during their flight, as such they can be used toactivate explosive traps without the need for you to be withinpunching range.
A Wooden Boomerang has a range about twice that ofa melee attack, Gold, Stone, Iron, and Diamond are 2x, 3x, 4x, and 5xmelee range respectively. Durability is roughly half that of a toolof the same material. The boomerang can be thrown infinitely withoutaffecting the durability, but each mob hit, item broken, and itempicked up will count as a separate use.
Note: The Boomerang has afew "secret" features. Some are deliberate, some are bugs.See if you can find out what they are.

DirectionalMarkers:NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
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ADirection Marker can be placed on the ground or on walls, and itsdirection will depend on the angle it was placed from. (similar tosigns, but able to adjust the direction even when placed on a wall)Right clicking on a direction marker that has just been placed, orwhile holding any directional marker in hand, will change itsdirection. This would allow players to mark paths they came from orplan to take, or even just indicate Cardinal Direction North fororientation purposes.
Recipes for direction markers are veryflexible, able to be crafted by combining single stick with any colordye component, or any of the items that can be used to craft thosedye components directly(provided its from crafting and not smelting,currently Rose, Dandelion, and Bone)

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ThePowder Bombs can be thrown using right click. If a block is currentlybeing targeted, then the powder boomb will simply be placed on theblock that is targeted. When placed, the powder bomb will leave aresidue much like redstone dust that will catch fire if any of theblocks next to it are on fire, or if Flint&Steel are used on it.If thrown at a block that is already on fire or at a torch, thepowder bomb will explode, potentially breaking all adjacent blocks tothe explosion,(harder blocks are less likely to break) as well asdamaging any enemy that is immediately touching the block that isbroken.

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TheGrenade is lit by pressing right click, and then thrown by releasingright click pressing right click again. It explodes with a powerof 2 (creepers have an explosion radius of 3, and TNT has anexplosion radius of 4), as well as damaging enemies caught in theblast radius. If held too long after being lit, the Grenade willexplode in the players hand, injuring them.
Future Plans -Currently, if an unarmored player is in the exact center of anexplosion, they will die, even at full health. Reducing the explosionpower of the Grenade seems to have little effect, but it is beingtested to see if the "intant kill" nature of the Grenadecan be negated.

Small Shields:
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(Ifyou don't like the shield having a cross, you can just treat it as asword. It's open to interpretation)
Small Shields are used andfunction in roughly the same manner as Full Shields, but have roughlyhalf the number of uses as their full counterpart. ( :wood: / :GoldBar: =16, :Iron: =32, :Diamond: =128) Even when actively guarding will only prevent full damage if theattack was taken to a small area surrounding the exact center of thescreen. Any damage outside of this area comes from the front it willonly be reduced by 1/2 before being applied to armor and HP. Damagefrom any other direction will still be fully applied to armor andHP.
In the case of arrows, Small shields will only catch or absorbtheir damage if caught in the center of the screen. Small Shieldsobscure roughly the same amount of the screen while the player is notactively guarding, but much less of the screen is obscured whileguarding with a Small Shield than with a Full Shield (due to thereduced area of protection the small shield offers)
To completelyunderstand how small shields work, please refer to my idea for FullShields below:

Full Shields:
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(Ifyou don't like the shield having a cross, you can just treat it as asword. It's open to interpretation)
The shield is equipped tothe Shield Slot as armor, but operates slightly different thanother armor; rather than absorbing a percentage of the damage to theplayer based on damage the armor has taken, (resulting in the playerstill possibly taking damage when hit) shields operate on anall-or-nothing basis until completely destroyed. If the shield isselected from the quickbar, using it as an item will automaticallyswitch it to the Shield slot, allowing players to have a backupshield ready for when a badly damaged shield is about to break.
Inorder to guard with the shield, it must first be Equipped andthen the sneak button must be held. While guarding with the shield,by holding the sneak button, using left or right click will bedisabled, but all damage from the front is applied completely to theshield first. This prevents damage to other equipped armor andhealth, but results in the shield getting damaged much faster thanregular armor. Damage from all directions other than the front willbypass the shield entirely, even if equipped and active.
While theplaying is using sneak to guard with the shield, they will still moveslower and not fall off blocks as if Sneaking, but they will not beable to move as far out to the edge of a block while guarding. Thisensures that if the player lets go of the sneak button in order touse left or right click, they wont fall off the block.
The shieldwill show up in the bottom left hand view of the players screen,obscuring a small portion of the screen when not active, and a largerportion of the screen while active.
The shield loses 1 point ofdurability for each .5 damage blocked.

Full Wood -
Durability;32 (fire x1, fire if active x2, arrow x1)
This is also the onlyarmor that can be created from wood.
Wooden Shields take damage ifthe player is on fire while they are Equipped, even though itwill not act to absorb any of the damage the player takes.
WoodenShields will automatically add arrows to the player's inventory ifsuccessfully blocked, though full damage of the arrow is given to theshield.

Full Gold -
Durability; 32 (fire x0, fire if activex0, arrow x2/3)
Gold Shields do not absorb fire damage taken bythe player while Equipped, but neither is that fire damagecounted against the number of uses the shield has.
Gold Shields donot add arrows to the inventory if blocked, but it will cut thedamage applied by the arrows to the shield by 1/3.

Full Iron-
Durability; 64 (fire x0, fire if active x1, arrow x1/3)
IronShields do no not absorb fire damage taken by the playerwhile Equipped, but can take damage from fire if activelyguarding while the player is still on fire.
Iron Shields do notadd arrows to the inventory if blocked, but it will cut the damageapplied by the arrows to the shield by 2/3.

Full Diamond-
Durability; 256 (fire x 0, fire if active x0, arrow x0)
DiamondShields do not absorb fire damage taken by the player while Equipped,but neither is that fire damage counted against the number of usesthe shield has.
Diamond Shields do not add arrows to the inventoryif blocked, but cut all damage applied by the arrow to theshield.

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Whenfired from the bow, Torch Arrows do no damage, but allow you to placetorches at long distances, anywhere you can aim with the bow. Becauseof their extra weight, Torch Arrows can only be fired half as far asnormal arrows. If you fire an arrow at the underside of a block, itwill place the torch, but since torches cannot be placed on theceiling it will immediately fall off, dropping a torch that can bepicked up into the inventory. Once a Torch Arrow has placed a torch,then the arrows cannot be recovered as they are destroyed in theprocess of placing the torch. If a Torch Arrow is fired into a spotthat cannot accept a torch then the torch arrow will still berecoverable. Torch Arrows can be fired at mobs, but do no extradamage over a regular arrow, so the torch used to craft it will bewasted.
Torch Arrows can either be placed in the AmmunitionSlot through the inventory screen, or if the Torch Arrows areactively held, right clicking will automatically switch them tothe Ammunition Slot (and whatever ammunition is in theammunition slot will go to the player's hand) If the AmmunitionSlot runs empty, and the player still has more ammunition of thesame type as what just ran out, it will automatically be moved tothe Ammunition Slot(ammunition still in the crafting gridsection will not be moved) The same functionality applies to regulararrows as well. If the player attempts to use the Bow while Arrowsare not equipped to the Ammunition Slot, then the game willautomatically search through the player's inventory and equip anyArrows the player may be holding, starting with regular arrows, andthen Torch arrows if no regular arrows can be found.

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GlowstoneArrows are capable of traveling the same distance and as regulararrows. Unlike regular arrows, when Glowstone arrows are fired into ablock, each arrow provides +5 to the light level in that area. Amaximum of 3 Glowstone arrows can be fired into a singlespace,(further Glowstone arrows will either bounce off to a space toside or just outright be wasted) which will provide the same lightlevel of placing a Glowstone block. Glowstone arrows can be firedunderwater and even at ceilings. Since the arrows convert to a"block" when they hit the side of a block, they must bebroken by hand in order to gather them, and breaking them will onlyreturn a single arrow, even if 3 had been fired at thatspot.
Additionally, skeletons and zombies will take .5 more damagethan a regular arrow, and spiders will have a chance of becomingpassive when struck by a Glowstone Arrow, provided the spider's HP isstill at 8 or higher after the attack.

(inspiredby Sparr0)
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Normallywhen you break gravel blocks, you will have a random chance of itdropping flint instead of a gravel block. By placing gravel blocksdown and repeatedly breaking them, it is possible to eventually craftan entire stack of 64 gravel into 64 flint, but this takes what feelslike an hour to do and is just generally tedious. By crafting 3gravel, this will allow you to instantly convert it to flint at thecost of completely losing the other 2 blocks of gravel. A full stackof 64 flint could be crafted from 3 stacks of 64 gravel blocks inmere seconds instead of nearly an hour of tediouslabor.

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Thisallows players to use excess saplings to go towards creating Sticks.This is primarily aimed towards making it feasible to implement thegame mechanic where Axes and Hatchets are required to get drops frombreaking logs, and not when broken by hand.
If saplings are everupdated to be tree-variety-specific, the recipe will work with anycombination of sapling varieties, provided they are arrangedcorrectly.

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4sticks crafted together = 1 wood, yes, this is not equal exchange,since 2 wood can be used to craft 4 sticks, but this prevents theplayer from simply crafting back and forth between sticks and woodwhenever convenient. This is another crafting recipe primarilyfocused on making it feasible to implement the game mechanic whereAxes and Hatchets are required to get drops from breaking logs, andnot when broken by hand.

(inspired by Nitramite)
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LeafGrafts act the exact same as regular leaf blocks, and willwither(disappear) if disconnected from a supporting block the same asregular leaf blocks. The advantage is that Leaf Grafts can be placedby the player instead of needing grown.
With the addition ofspecific tree varieties, Leaf Grafts will default to placing thegeneric leaf type, but if the player aims at a Birch or Pine log orleaf block, then the Leaf Graft will take on the characteristics ofthat type of tree. If saplings are ever updated to betree-variety-specific then the type of sapling used will determinethe type of Leaf Graft that is produced.

Topiary Blocks:
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Theplayer has the option of taking any four saplings they find and,instead of planting it to grow a new tree, may directly craft theminto 2 Topiary Blocks. Topiary Blocks look almost exactly likeregular Leaf Blocks :Leaves: excepttheir textures are reversed or turned sideways. Topiary Blocks wontdisappear when disconnected from a Trunk or Ground. This isparticularly useful for building large trees and tree houses, ordisguising forges, work benches and chests as topiary pieces. Whenbroken, Topiary Blocks will have a 25% chance to drop 2 saplingsinstead of a Topiary Block.
With the addition of specific treevarieties, Topiary Blocks will default to looking like the genericleaf type, but if the player aims at a Birch or Pine log or leafblock while placing the Topiary Block, then the Topiary Block willtake on the characteristics of that type of tree(which can then beremoved without affecting the placed Topiary Block). If saplings areever updated to be tree-variety-specific then the type of saplingused will determine the type of Topiary Block that is produced. (allsaplings must be of the same type for the recipe to work)
TopiaryBlocks might be placeable, but fancy and fast graphics are stillbeing worked on, as i getting leaf blocks to register topiary aslogs. 

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Byadding a lever to a Minecart, it is possible for the player to createa Handcart that the player can power to directly, even while riding,provided the Hadcart is on rails (like the powered minecart, it willnot work while off rails, but can be pushed around directly by theplayer.
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Touse its function, the player must alternately press the left andright buttons. This is not a simple rapid press, but requires theplayer to start off with a slow rhythm, and then steadily increasethat rhythm as the Handcart picks up speed. tapping too slow OR toofast will cause the tap to fail.
The player must also hold eitherforward or backward to chose which direction the Handcart will applyits acceleration towards when activated. This will be relative to thedirection the player is facing. So if the player is on north/southtracks, and faces north, and holds forward, the handcart willaccelerate towards north. If holding backwards the handcart willattempt to accelerate towards south (if the minecart is alreadymoving north, then this would SLOW the northward speed until reaching0, and then would begin to accelerate towards the south)
Ofcourse, the Handcart will only be able to move at full PoweredMinecart speed if the player is tapping with perfect timing which canbe difficult to maintain for extended periods of time and moving themouse to look around could cause the direction the player is facingto cause the acceleration to be applied in the other direction. Ifthe Handcart is pushing other minecarts, it will 
With thisaddition, Powered Minecarts will be updated to travel TOWARDS theplayer when the player provides fuel to it (provided it is not linkedto another minecart in some manner that might be implemented by othermods or future updates)

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Withthe addition of the Ink Quill, books will gain the ability to beopened and read. Books will be blank be default, but if the playerhas an Ink Quill anywhere in their inventory, they will be able toedit it, typing to write words, and using the mouse buttons to draw.If maps are implemented, then the Ink Quill will also be needed forthose.
When a Map or Book are edited, they will drain thedurability of the Ink Quill. When drained, the Ink Quill will bereplaced with an empty bowl, the ink having run out and the featherworn out.

(inspired by Sarbinger)
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Rightclick while holding in order to hypnotize passive mobs. This includesPigs, Cows, Sheep, Chickens, Squid, and Spiders during the Daytime.While the hypnosis lasts, mobs will become friendly towards theplayer. (provided they are not harmed) They will follow, but NOT BUMPINTO the player. Pigs may be controlled while ridden, sheep andchickens may be right clicked on with the fist to shear or pluck themwithout harming them.(chickens have % chance of giving egg when rightclicked on) Right Clicking a cow from ANY angle with a bucket willgive milk. Right clicking on a squid will drop ink without harmingthe squid. Spiders can be equipped with a saddle while hypnotized andridden, with control, even allowing the player to go up walls.Hypnotized spiders will still become hostile at night, or if attackedby the player or damaged from falling, and attack the player even ifbeing ridden (the spider will throw the player off when they turnhostile)
Each use of the Hypno Watch takes roughly 3 seconds thatthe player must be holding it down while aiming at a mob.(the mobdoes not actually need to be looking at the player) If the player'saim drifts off of the mob during this time, the player will stilllose durability even though the hypnosis will fail. Hypnotizing a mobthat is already hypnotized will reset the time for which that mob ishypnotized and uses no durability, hypnotizing an unhypnotized mobdrains double durability, and hypnotizing a mob that HAS BEENhypnotized will use normal durability.

(inspiredby LoZfan03)
Bow Drill:
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WhileFlint & Steel is easy to make, having to burn through a piece ofiron in order to make one can be a pretty steep price if it's earlyin the game. As an alternative, the Bow Drill allows you to usesticks, wood, string, and paper to start fires. It takes 4-5 secondsto start a fire, and also requires 1 sheet of paper be used as a typeof ammunition for starting each fire, but it's durability is the sameas the Bow (which currently is infinite)
The bow drill has asecret feature, but not in how its used.

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Tomake the Bow Drill a little easier to use, paper can now be craftedin sets of 2, instead of only 3.

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GlowstoneSand is about half as bright as a full Glowstone block (roughly thatof a portal block) but has the advantage of dropping a Glowstone sandwhen broken, allowing the player to place or move it withoutrestrictions. If unsupported, it will fall like sand (its light willgo out during the fall and relight on landing) allowing the player todrop lights into deep caverns to see what is in the bottom. Howeverthe most important feature of Glowstone sand is its ability to besmelted into a Glowstone block, allowing players to get a 4:1 returnratio instead of a restrictive 9:1 return ratio when miningGlowstone, but at the cost of extra time and resources spent on thesmelting process.
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IfGlowstone was modified to drop 2-4 pieces of Glowstone Dust,(similarto what redstone ore does) then this would allow the player a methodto nearly break even when gathering and placingGlowstone.

(Updating Small Ore Blocks to Slabs suggestedby Zaveno)
Ore Slabs:
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OreSlabs don't really have any major advantages, but allow the player afew conveniences over Ore Blocks. They cost less to make, so if theplayer actually wants to use them for building, rather than storage,it is a more cost effective method to building. This also has theadvantage of allowing crafting recipes like the golden apple to use amiddle ground on resources; more than just a simple ignot, but not asmuch as a 9 ingot ore block.
Similar to Stone Slabs, Ore Slabs arehalf the height of an Ore block, but 2 Ore Slabs can be stacked toform a double slab block that is the height of a normal block. Whenstacked this way, they use the old texture that Ore Blocks used touse, so players who like both styles don't have to pick one to getrid of. Of course due to only needing 4 Material, they can be craftedwithout the workbench.
Ore Slabs currently have lighting issueswith the "empty" half above the block. It will be workedon.

Coal Slabs:
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Similarto the Ore Slabs, Coal Slabs using only would allow coal, one of themost common of ores, to be compressed for space using only the 2x2crafting grid, and also for more efficient smelting and fueling forpowered minecarts and any future furnace powered machines. 16 coalblocks would do just as much smelting as 64 pieces of coal, and wouldrun a powered minecart for a similar ratio of time.
2 Coal Slabscan be stacked to form a double slab block that is the height of anormal block, and mining a double slab block with a wooden pick orhigher will return 2 coal slabs.
Ore Slabs currently have lightingissues with the "empty" half above the block. It will beworked on.

(Credited to msj2705)
Colored Sand (andStained Glass):NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
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Thoughthis mockup recipe only shows one arrangement for each color, Sandcan be crafted in any arrangement with dyes in order to craft ColoredSand. (NOTE: Undyed sand is treated as "light gray" andthus is not included as a color that sand can be dyed to) ColoredSand offers a non-flammable, but gravity-influenced alternative tocolored cloth. Each Colored Sand Block can in turn be smelted toproduce Stained Glass:
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(inspiredby Ianmac)
Portable Grill:
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ThePortable Grill is the on-the-go solution for cooking meat. PortableGrills are stackable and each grill can cook 1 meat (or any otherfood type that becomes cookable), and takes roughly half as long tocook each piece of meat compared to using a furnace. The PortableGrill CANNOT be used to cook anything other than food.
To use, itmust be set on the ground and the meat must be placed in it the sameway as a furnace, but the Portable Grill already comes with its ownfuel, and will only consume fuel while actively cooking, thus noworries about wasting fuel by not turning meat over fast enough. ThePortable Grill does not require a pickaxe to pick up, but once it isdone cooking, it will only drop a single cobblestone along with themeat it has cooked.
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(inspiredby Glyph255)
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Theplayer already has a backpack (Do you think the player carries theirentire inventory in their hands?) but despite being able to carryentire mountains worth of blocks, people still find themselvesrunning short on mobile storage. To address this issue we introducethe Satchels, similar to chests in general function, method ofaccess, and that they are not stackable, the key differences are thatthe Satchel only has 3 slots of storage, but picking it updoes not remove the items from a satchel, allowing them to be carriedas a group while only using a single slot. While this effectivelyallows a player to potentially triple their carry space, this is notwithout disadvantages;

    - The items each satchel contains cannot be accessed unless the satchel is placed on the ground, nor is there anyway to distinguish satchels from each other or verify the contents of a satchel without placing it on the ground and opening it.
    - Once a satchel is placed on the ground, it is susceptible to disappearing (along with any items it had) if the player wanders out of map range. To prevent their disappearance, Satchels must be carried by the player.
    - Satchels are also highly susceptible to destruction. Although this makes it easy for the player to pick up the satchel with a single hit, if a Zombie, Spider or Skeleton touches it, it will destroy the satchel and spill its contents, and any explosions (creeper or otherwise) or fire or lava will instantly destroy the satchel along with any items it might have been containing.
    - If water touches a satchel, that satchel will be dropped as if broken, but provided it is picked up, its contents will not be lost.
    - Satchels cannot be stored in other Satchels or in Chests.

Kategorie: Mods | Hinzugefügt von: leonhaus (2011-05-24)
Aufrufe: 43822 | Rating: 0.0/0
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